Ribbon Tool Shawl

The latest Interweave Knits, Spring 2015 has just been released and I’ve got a shawl in it – Ribbon Tool Shawl.

(c) Harper Point

Last spring when I was in Washington DC Dragonfly Fibers gave me a gift of some Pixie yarn. It was in the color, ‘Springtime in Washington’, a delicate pink with darker brown and black tones splashed through it. Pale pink is not a color I’m normally drawn to but there was something about the delicate color with those darker undertones that really appealed to me. When the call for designs for the spring Interweave came out this yarn looked like the perfect match.  This shawl was designed to make the most use of garter stitch using German Short Rows to gently slope the shawl. The shaping is created entirely with short rows and then the lace edge is knitted on sideways.

I’ve got a special treat for all of you –  Dragonfly Fibers have offered a yarn giveaway for my readers of their Pixie yarn that Ribbon Tool Shawl is made in.

What do you have to do?

To be entered in the draw, go to the website to pick the color of Pixie they would use to make the shawl. Then put your pick in the comments below. I will enter all comments into a raffle and the winner will be sent the yarn! Get your comment in before 10 in the morning (GMT) on Wednesday 4th of February. I’ll do a random drawing for the winner later that morning.

Best of luck!

Ribbon Tool Shawl
(c) Harper Point

122 thoughts on “Ribbon Tool Shawl

  1. I really like the color you use springtime in Washington but I’ll have to admit that the flannel pajama colorway is talking to me too

  2. Bad moon rising though I am totally drawn to starry night I don’t know how it would knit. Lovely moody colours!

  3. So many pretty colors; makes it hard to pick just one. I think I’ll have to go with Save the Ta-Tas

  4. Heliotrope for this pattern. I think. Dang, I’ll have to break down and order Firecracker soon. Beautiful shawl!

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