2023 Rhinebeck and Wool & Folk Meetups

Can you believe it? I’m finally flying back to the United States!

It’s been 4 years but I’m making my way back to the New York State Sheep and Wool Festival (Rhinebeck) this year I’m looking forward to sheep spotting, squishing all the wool and, most importantly, meeting up with friends and other knitters!

The last time I headed over, I went with Woolly Wormhead and several other friends. It was our first time at Rhinebeck and the sheer size of the festival was overwhelming. So if you are heading to Rhinebeck this year, you’ve got some planning to do.

So here are my top tips for heading to Rhinebeck 2023:

Carol, Woolly Wormhead and Clara

Tips for Visiting New York Sheep and Wool Festival in Rhinebeck

  1. Start by taking a look at the vendor list and where everyone is located. Highlight the ones that are important to you and make sure you see them early in the day so that you don’t miss out! With so much going on, it’s very easy to get to the end and realise all the places you failed to visit.

2. Once you know the vendors that are ‘must visits’ for you, the next important thing to plan is meet-ups! With so many people at the festival, you’ll find it hard to meet up with friends without a plan. This year I’m part of a mega-designer meet-up that will be a whole lot of fun! Scroll on for more info:

On October 21 (Saturday) at 3 pm, I’ll be part of a community meetup (location on map below) including:

  • Carson Demers
  • Miela John
  • Patty Lyons
  • Lauren McElroy
  • Laura Nelkin
  • Xandy Peters
  • Plus ME!!

Come join us for a chat and photos. Bonus points if you’ve got a Stolen Stitches knit with you :-)

Want to learn more about Rhinebeck?

Click here: https://sheepandwool.com/

Wool & Folk 2023 at Foreland

Wool & Folk is a celebration of our fiber community with wool, good food and toe taping music. You can find it at the 85,000 SF contemporary arts campus housed within three historic mills nestled among the Catskill Mountains and Hudson River. Sounds delightful, right?

AND…I’m excited to be at Wool & Folk on Friday the 20th October!

If you’d like to meet up, drop by and say hi or get the MDK Field Guide 14 book signed, I’ll be at Merritt Books booth from 3-4 pm.

Will I see you there?

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