Back to work again

It has taken me the full week to really feel like I’m totally back to work after the holiday.  Part of that is due to to feeling under the weather after coming back; a combination of a blocked ear and severe jet lag was making me feel like I was on another universe!  I got my ear sorted out at the doctor yesterday and had a week of good sleeps and I’m back on this planet at last again.

I must be mad to have planned another trip over in just a month!  In the middle of June I’ll be making my first trip to TNNA at Columbus, Ohio.  I’m really looking forward to this trip and meeting up with people I’ve only known online up to this point.  I’m not really entirely sure how to organize myself for the show so if you’ve been to this show before please let me know!  Plus if you’re going and want to meet up get in contact, I want to make the most of my 5 day transatlantic trip.

As I don’t feel right ending a post without any photos, I’m going to include one of me with the boys that was taken on Sunday.  (Which, in the US at least, inadvertently ended up being a mother’s day photo!)  This was one from a photo shoot that we did for my author photo on the book, it somehow seemed fitting that they should all be there as well.  After all they do wind the yarn, put up with my constant knitting and model for me!

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