Ravi Junior

Last May I ran a KAL for my 100th pattern, Ravi.  It was tons of fun and everyone’s Ravi projects turned out so nicely it got me thinking….how would it work for a baby/child?

My sister was expecting a third baby this year (a little girl) so it seemed like a perfect opportunity to finish my Ravi Junior.  For anyone who has tried to convert adult to child or baby patterns you may know about the pitfalls!  A baby’s bodies is build very differently to an adult’s.  They have relatively small necks (with large heads on top!), but you can’t have the garment too snug or they just won’t want to wear it.  It took me quite a while to work through the different yoke adjustments for this cardigan before I was really happy with the end proportions.  This pattern is sized from 6 months right through to 10 years or so.  The basic construction is similar to Ravi (the short row yoke is worked from side to side, body is picked up and worked down and a short row hem curve is worked).  The short row ratio for the yoke is different though and the body is worked as an a-line for a flattering, comfortable fit for children.

While I don’t have any photos of the cardigan on my new niece a friend who has 7 month old twins very kindly invited me into her house so we could photograph the cardigan on one of her daughters.  I love how the photos turned out, she is a very photogenic little girl!  (You may note that I’ve recommended the smallest size up to 6 months even though it’s being modeled by a 7 month old – she is however very petite!).

Ravi Junior

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5 thoughts on “Ravi Junior

  1. I love the Ravi pattern. However I don’t understand what happens to the 3 stitches that are slipped p-wise. Please could you explain?
    Thank you

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