The Briar Rose KAL is getting off to a great start, knitters are picking their yarns and photos are popping up every day as the yarn is arriving. If you’ve joined the KAL drop by and introduce yourself!
This is always my favorite part of a KAL, the excitement is building and great friendships are started. Apparently on one of my previous KALs (Ravi) two knitters made friends in real life and are still knitting together!
Do you all remember the Irish Yarn Club? I’ve been busy in the background with this, every 2 months a new pattern has been released and yesterday I just sent out the last one. I really enjoyed this project, This Is Knit, is one of my favourite yarn shops and they did a fantastic job organising the yarn. And I got a chance to knit with some of the great yarn being dyed in Ireland.
We hope to do another club for 2015 so the planning will have to start soon…anyone out there with preferences? What type of yarn would you like to see? Lace/fingering/heavier? All the same type or a mixture? The benefit of fingering is that there are loads of projects that can be done with just one skein so the club cost doesn’t get too high. Would you like to see more yarn each installment with 2 skeins instead of 1 with bigger patterns? What kind of patterns would you love to get? Let me know your thoughts, it’ll be a big help with planning!
Would you like a sneak peek of the patterns that were released in the 2014 club?
First up was a hat, Tempano with Hedgehog Fibres yarn.
The second pattern was a shawl, Dunderry, using Coolree Yarns.
The final pattern that was released yesterday was toe up socks, Talium, using Dublin Dye Company Merino Sock.
I was in the club that year and I loved it!!! Every time it was a wonderful surprise to discover the new pattern and yarn, I’m so glad you consider doing it again next year. For me I would love to have maybe one or two bigger project, with two skeins, I think it would be great! And of course a shawl again because I love them!!!
For the yarn I don’t really have preference, I trust you to find the prettiers!
Thank you again for this club, now I joined the KAL to continue!
Have just finished talium! It is beautiful! I have been taking short row class on craftsy. Never done short rows befor. But won’t hesitate to do so know. I have learned so much on this site. Can’t wait to do you cable class. Love your patterns and tutorials, so helpfull. Love to send you a photo but don’t know how?
On craftsy it’s easy to share a photo, just click the image button.