The Sugarcane KAL

Can you feel it? That change in the weather? Yes, Spring is finally well and truly here this week.  Tomorrow is the start of the Spring KAL (Knit-along) and taking the centre stage this time around is the Sugarcane Cardigan. You can read more about the cardigan pattern and the upcoming KAL here.

If this is your first KAL and you are wondering what to expect you can have a read of the roundup post here on the previous Luwan KAL. Knit-alongs are a favourite for some but have you ever wondered why? I thought we could take a look at a few reasons as to why they are so popular.


KALs are always full of support so a few knitters use them to knit their first garment. Not only do you get help from the designer but you also have support from others posting in the group or forums.  This is fantastic when you get to a part in the pattern that you are apprehensive about.


There is nothing like knowing that the next clue or section is about to be released to make you stay up well past your bedtime to finish your current section. Also while watching the forums for support some people find that the only way they will finish a large knit is if they have someone to help cheer them on.

New Techniques

Some knitters also like trying out a new skill or technique with the knowledge that they are not alone in working this and that the designer and other knitters are there to help them if they get stuck. Every now and again we all need someone to say “yes, you’re doing it right” to confirm our own thoughts and move on with confidence.


KAL’s really do have their own community. I know I was welcomed into the first Stolen Stitches KAL by some knitters who are always in the KAL group eagerly awaiting the next one to start. They are always open and friendly and willing to help or pass around an online glass of something stiff when you hit a roadblock or two. There really is nothing like the community that comes along with a KAL and I always have fun when I join in.


I think I saved the best one until last. KAL’s are always fun. Who doesn’t get excited by seeing a pattern update in their library? It sits there mocking you at work until you break and sneakily read it or you have the control that I never do and you manage to get home before installing the update and devouring the next section.  The boards are always full of chatter and friendly banter throughout the entire process so  I for one never feel I’m knitting on my own. I know that somewhere else around a similar time that there is another knitter, an invisible friend of the needles, knitting away on the same thing.  This always makes me smile.

If you want to come and join in the fun and games you still can. The KAL group on Ravelry can be found here and the pattern information and release dates can all be found here. If you are joining in the fun don’t forget to use #stolenstitcheskal and #sugarcanecardigan. What are your favourite parts of a knit-along?

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