Tabouli KAL clue 1

It looks like an awful lot of you are really excited to get started on the Tabouli KAL! It’s so helpful for knitters to have progress photos posted, it means that everyone can see how the clue progresses and is really usefully for visual learners. I’ve talked through the clue in the video at the bottom of this post if you want to see me walking you through it.
Clue 1 covers the upper part of the body. You start with a provisional cast on across the middle of the upper yoke and then you work the right side of the upper yoke. The crochet method is best as it doesn’t create any row of knitting but check out the ravelry group discussion where there are a few more methods being tried out! Initially for the back you’ve only got 8 stitches with a single cable but then after the neck stitches are cast-on you have the full cable panel. Make sure you mark the row you finish on at the end of your saddle! The shoulder is being decreases as you work across it so that the you create a nice shoulder slope.

When the right saddle is complete you undo the provisional cast-on and repeat for the left saddle shoulder, putting the stitches on a holder at the end for the left sleeve. When the saddles are complete you will pick up stitches along the back of the saddle and work straight down to the underarm increases. Increases are worked at each end to create the armhole shaping. These stitches are then put on a holder also. Finally you will pick up stitches on each side of the front of the saddles (with 2 balls of yarn) and you will work neck shaping (shown in the front charts). When the neck shaping is complete you will work straight down to the armhole increases and then they will be worked in the same way as the back.

You can see here when you work the front that there are increases in the lace. I’ve charted these out to make it as easy to work as possible. This does mean that there are lot of charts for the front (5 left and 5 right front options!) so I’d suggest that you highlight the one that is for your size to make sure that you don’t accidentally start working the wrong size.


I hope you’re enjoying the knitting so far, I wore my cardigan to death when I was on the Canada/New England cruise. It was a lot colder than expected and I had under-packed so that I was able to fit more knitted samples in my bag!

Remember that you can find support on both the ravelry forum and on my facebook group. Are you having fun?

Next clue coming May 28th!!

One thought on “Tabouli KAL clue 1

  1. Thou roughly enjoying new methods of construction with Tabouli. Wishing the clues were only one week apart but have lots of projects to finish in between.

    Have you ever considered offering buttons to match your Nua colours?

    Would also be interested in a class on the “steps” you take in designing. From the sketching to the knit and rip process and printing.

    And if you ever need someone else to test a pattern….😊

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