If you’ve been following my blog for a few years you’ll know that I’m not really fond of this time of year. The shortening days and cold weather make me miserable both physically and mentally. The cold makes me really, really tired; warming up means that I’m flushed most of the time rather than warm. The short days and grey skies make me feel like a mental weight is being dropped on me.
The photo above was a watery photo of the moon that I took on my evening walk with Lizzie up the hill. It’s usually 6 in the evening when I get home and now all my dog walking is in the dark. I suspect if I didn’t have a crazy dog that is ready to explode I probably wouldn’t move outside the door.
I’ve tried several methods of countering the effects over the years to varying degrees of success. Last year I got a daylight lamp but I find the artificial light from it really unpleasant and I can’t say I’ve noticed a difference! Most of the time I just grin and bear it. However there are a few things that almost always make me feel better this time of year.
One sure way to feel better at this time of year is this pile of sweeties. I light the wood stove and sit on the sofa. Within a few minutes I’ll have all 3 of them fighting to be on top of me, they just love the warmth in cold weather! Remembering the positives and that cosy snuggle effect is one of the best things about this time of year.
The other thing that helps me out in winter is planning. Figuring out what my next project, class or workshop is going to be gives me renewed mental energy that helps me feel more alive in the winter. You can see that Jasper is a very careful editor of my work and he’s contemplating the pattern edits he’s going to have to make…..
So I’m trying hard to get through November and December to the Christmas holidays. These holidays are probably the highlight of the year. In Ireland almost all businesses close for the 2 weeks and my sister and family come over for a week. It’s a full week of long indulgent meals, chatting and games. It’s so much fun I ‘think’ it’s almost going through the winter for it!
What gets you through the winter?
Hi Carol,
I’m a new reader (and knitter) and am really enjoying your site. I’m sorry you have seasonal issues with winter – it’s not my favorite either, but I live in the southern US so I have a different relationship with the sun this time of year than you do. It does make a huge difference! I strongly dislike being cold, but I’m at an age where bundling up gives me hot flashes so I’m always putting on and taking off clothing. :) I think that my best answer to the question of getting through the winter is sort of “folding in to it”, for lack of a better phrase. Accept, and turn my focus inward. I’m learning to knit this winter, and baking bread, and having tea every evening (not our normal over here!). Cooking more, lighting candles and the fire, music in the background ALWAYS. Cozy clothes when I come home from work. Strings of little lights on the mantel and in the windows. Sort of creating an indoor environment that feels cozy and nestlike. I have also been forcing myself to go out walking in the early morning several times a week to see the sun come up – will see if that helps! I think planning for things that make you happy sounds good too. I wish you the best in getting through until spring, and also looking forward to trying some of your yarn – it must feel divine.
Knitting and cats, cosy fires and snuggly knitwear. Tea and cake.
Like Paula, I live in the southern USA. It’s too warm for knitwear most of the year so I rejoice in the cold because I can finally wear the things I have made. I also love knitting in the winter. An insanely complex cabled cardigan is my idea of the perfect project to counter any winter blues!
Hello Carol,
I find that yoga breathing and stretching helps me. It’s harder to be outside and active when we have a blizzard on the upper Great Plains of the USA.
Sunlight, such as it is at this time of the year, is helpful, even just a couple of minutes of it. If you can take off the mittens and cowl and expose some areas of skin to sunlight, the skin will process it into vitamin D (clouds and windows won’t work). Is there a sheltered but sunny spot near your home or shop where you can go outside mid-day to get some rays along with deep breathing? We have a surprising number of sunny days, even if the temps are below zero! Fatty fish, like salmon, tuna and mackerel, are a good source of vitamin D in food. Supplements are also available, if you choose.
You are not alone in your feelings on these winter days. Your furry friends look like wonderful companions for warmth and love.
Carol. I get it. I lived in Maine for a few years and the darl and cold weren’t so bad. The winters were just so long. What helped was celebrating December 21 when days started to get longer! And… a trip south!
You are such an amazing teacher; why not plan an annual class hosted by a friend in a nice warm place?
PS sounds like you make the best of things!
Solution – book knitting retreats in Australia durning your winter and escape the cold weather, even if it’s for a short time. Bring the boys, oh! And hubbie too, they would all love the sun and surf. Xx back up plan – keep smiling, winter doesn’t last forever but boy! I sure wish I was in Ireland when it hits 40c here 😁😁
I like the way you think!
That’s an excellent plan :-)