Back in action

We came back from our holiday at the end of last week.  At 7 in the morning we came into Shannon airport to -7 degree temperatures, freezing fog and a dead car battery.  10 minutes from landing the pilot announced ‘ we are coming into freezing fog, with minimal visability.  We are going to attempt landing but if it’s not possible we’ll circle around and land in Dublin.’   Now this is probably not a big deal if you are not travelling with 4 kids from 3 to 11, mountains of bags and a home that is not in Dublin (we would still have to get back to Shannon for our car!).  Luckily we still landed, hacked our car open with a credit card and got a jump start for the dead battery.  My poor frozen husband couldn’t even get a coffee at the first petrol station we stopped at as their water was frozen!!

Strangely we must have all been in a very good mood from the holiday because somehow it just didn’t seem like that big a deal.  Even coming home to a frozen (brand new) pump, leaking heating system and broken shower….. at least we  had our new wood stove, it really came into its own.  Having parents living next door helps a lot too, you are never stuck!

The boys all got to enjoy some great snow on Sunday, the first we have had in years.  The slid down the front lawn, built snow men and tossed snow balls at each other.  Now today we are being battered by rain storms with flooding.  Life is never dull.  Now if only the schools would reopen and I could get back to work.

I got lots of knitting done while I was on holiday (and bought lots of wool!).  My sister in law gave me two big bags for alpaca from peru so several pairs of mittens were finished before we came home to be prepared.

I finished (and photographed) a wrap with some more lovely Fyberspates Scrumptious yarn (sneak peak below), photographed a cotton cardi and knit up my first sample of a vest idea I’m working on.

Sneak peak of new Fyberspates Wrap

A little while ago I finished up a pair of socks with an entwined cable pattern I love.  It took a lot of experimenting and several pairs of socks before it worked out just right but it is almost ready to publish now.  They will be called ‘Casadh’ which is the Irish for twisted which seemed rather fitting for them.  This version was knitted by my friend Sue for her husband.  These socks are designed for a man but as the pattern is ribbed there is an awful lot of stretch.  With the foot length shortened they fit me fine as well.

I’ll post a few more photos of our holiday and the holiday knits in a few days when life starts getting back to normal.

2 thoughts on “Back in action

  1. ah, traveling with kids. Always a surprise! Am glad everyone seemed to take the bumps in stride and am also very excited to see your new knits. The shawl and socks look lovely!

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