Some teaching again!

It has been quite a few months since I have done any teaching, life (and work!) has been so busy that it just hasn’t been possible to take on any more.  However last week (which was excellent timing) I was almost finished my author review for the book and Cathy from The Crafty Alley invited me to teach a colourwork class.

So if you want to come learn some colourwork with me get in contact Cathy and go book yourself a place in Killarney on the 2nd of April.  You can see some more details about it here.  Don’t be afraid of giving it a try if you’ve never worked with multiple colours before.  Once you can knit then you’ll be able for the class, I intend to start at the beginning with the basics.

If you follow the link through to my class page you might notice a little mention of Knit Nation at the bottom.  I’m very excited to be teaching at Knit Nation in London this July.  The class schedule is yet to be announced but you can sign up for their newsletter here and as soon as the details are you you’ll know about it.  There are so many people I know going to this weekend that it is sure to be an amazing few days, come join us!

3 thoughts on “Some teaching again!

  1. Now I need to convince my husband that I have to fly to Ireland for a class….

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