Craftsy Giveaway!

It’s getting very, very close to the time when my newest Craftsy class goes live.  I just got my first chance to see some of the finished videos yesterday and it should be a whole lot of knitting fun!  I don’t want to spoil the surprise just yet about the class content BUT lets just say that there should be something useful in there for most garment knitters……

Now on to the giveaway, just click through here, either register or sign in for Craftsy and your name will be added to the list for a FREE pass to my newest class.  It will close on Friday at 6pm MST and a winner will be drawn then.  Only one entry per person.

In the meantime if you just can’t wait to find out about the newest class keep an eye on the knitting classes here and my class will come up as a new class within the next day or so, hope you’re as excited as I am!!

9 thoughts on “Craftsy Giveaway!

  1. I’ve taken both of your previous classes at Craftsy and looking forward to this one (but not so much the idea of cutting into a sweater-yikes!).

  2. In the class steeking is only one of several ‘sweater surgery’ topic covered :-) Plus once you learn how to do it it’s not so scary!

  3. I’m so looking forward to this class….winner or not :) Thank you for the chance. I have worked very hard to lose 55 pounds this year, and if I could save even a few of my handmade sweaters and still get some wear out of them I would be thrilled.

  4. I saw a preview of your class today, and I have to say it looks really fascinating. It covers things that I wish I’d known before ripping back all my first sweaters, though I do have at least one that I’d love to rescue!

  5. I’ve really enjoyed your Craftsy class on Celtic Cables. My sweater has just finished blocking so I have only the buttonbands left to go. It was a great class, I learned so many new to me techniques, & I’ve been knitting for many years. I’ll definitely post pictures & a rave review once I’m done. Thanks!

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