Some giveaways on my blog tour

I hope you’ve all been enjoying the Scrumptious Knits blog tour.  When you’ve finished a collection of patterns by the time you  have photographed them, edited them and finished the full layout you almost forget the original inspiration.  Answering questions on a blog tour is a really interesting process, you find yourself drawing on memories of the design process.  In fact I often find myself falling in love with a collection again.  It’s probably good for me as I tend to have a very short term memory, once something is finished I move on quickly and spend more time looking forward rather than backwards.  I think evaluating a collection through interviews  really helps the design process to become more cohesive and thoughtful.

So far on the blog tour we’ve visited Woolly Wormhead, Ann Kingstone, Stephanie Japel (still an ongoing giveaway!) and today we have Stephannie Tallent who has a second giveaway.

There are several more great stops on this tour, keep following to keep up…I always send out a tweet when there is a new stop so just check out my twitter feed on the right of the page.

It feels so wrong to have a blog post without any photo so I’ve added a gratuitous shot of the pear tree in bloom in my garden :)

You can probably tell, I’ve just begun using Instagram   -  still getting used to it so you’ll probably find some rather odd photos coming from me in the near future.

3 thoughts on “Some giveaways on my blog tour

  1. I was visiting my sister in South Africa, returned to Cork yesterday. In a bookshop called Graffitti we saw your book – Contemporary Irish Knits. Christelle actually showed it to me – we were looking at knitting and crochet books. She didn’t know that I read your blog – she brought it to my attention because of the title. Cool hey!

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