Waiting for the rain to stop

While I wait here for the rain to stop (it will right??) I’ll share a photo I took last week in the woods.  There are a few small local woods that I love going to with the boys, this one is especially nice as it has this lovely river running through it with huge boulders.  I would love to do a photo shoot here some day if I can figure out how to add some extra lighting.

The only thing I ‘m sad about is that our dog will no longer go in the car.  At the end of last year I changed my car to a smaller one and the first time my oldest tried to get him in the back the soft top of the boot (trunk) came down on him and he freaked out.  He’s so bad that he won’t even get into the front seat.  He is way to big to carry and there is absolutely no way he will get into the car.  It makes me so sad as there are so many outings to the woods and beach that he would just love.  We’ve tried treats, toys, putting him on the lead (he just pulls his collar off).  For a big dog he really is one big scaredy cat!

Last week I let you know the line up for my Craftsy Celtic Cable’s blog tour.  Well it’s now underway!  The first stop was on Monday at Yarn Yenta and later today we’ll have Miso Crafty Knits.  In fact there is currently a post on Akoya as her most recent blog post!

One thought on “Waiting for the rain to stop

  1. Carol,
    I’m at best an amateur dog guider but, your situation with your new car and dog not wanting to ride in it sounded painfully familiar. We had a similar situation that we were able to rectify but it took much time and patience. We started with simply asking the dog to sit comfortably by the car on the ground, not in it, while we were all quiet. We didn’t make noise, open or close doors, etc.. After a set time, one minute to start working up to 15 min. based on the dogs comfort (we were dedicated) over a week. Then we moved up to asking the dog to sit next to the car, not in it or touching it, with all the doors open (we opened them before the dog arrived). We were quiet again, started at one minute worked up to 15. We continued adding changes each week until the dog loaded on her own and rode in the car.

    Eventually the dog accepted that the car had not punished her. We think that is what the dog believed when the door accidentally shut on her. Now we can take her anywhere again. Hope this helps.

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